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Dr. Niall Galbraith

In 1998 Niall left the University of Plymouth with an honours degree in psychology and a masters degree in cognitive psychology. Following this Niall took up a demonstratorship in psychology at the University of Wolverhampton, which led to the completion of his PhD (‘Cognitive factors in delusional thinking’). Following this, Niall held research posts with Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Trust/University of Birmingham, University of Warwick Medical School and Coventry University. Niall returned to the University of Wolverhampton as a lecturer in psychology in March 2008 and has progressed to acting Head of Psychology with a Readership in Health Psychology. He is an HCPC registered Health Psychologist.


Current research projects
  • An integrated model of the theories of delusions

  • Adolescent Thinking and Belief (ATAB) - an ongoing study of the role of cognitive, perceptual and emotional processes in the development of beliefs in adolescents. 

  • Factors affecting entry into and exit from sex work in the West Midlands.

  • Cross-cultural beliefs about the causes of mental health difficulties and help-seeking


PhD Supervision

PhD supervisor of Claire Jones (delusional thinking); Manpal Bhogal (decision making and game theory); Ugo Ikwuka (attitudes to mental health and help seeking in the Igbo people of Nigeria);  Stephanie Rhodes (delusional thinking). PhD supervisory team member for Rachel Harrad (Internet psychology). Psych D supervisor to Raj Gnanaiah (emotional processes in binge eating).


Member of Editorial Boards

Journal of Nursing Education and Practice


BJPsych Bulletin


The Psychiatrist


Research Collaborators

Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust; Birmingham University, Cardiff Metropolitan University; Coventry University; Osaka City University, Japan; Staffordshire University; University of Worcester; West Midlands Police, Tiller Research.


Ikwuka, U., Galbraith, N., Muomah, R. C., Chen-Wilson, C-H., Manktelow, K., Oyebode, F., & Igboaka, A. (in press). Ideological vs. instrumental barriers to accessing formal mental health care in the developing world: Focus on south-eastern Nigeria. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Undeserved. IF: /


Duncan, M., Seghers, J., Nevill, A. M., & Galbraith, N. D. (in press). The relation between goal content for physical activity and physical activity behavior in British adolescents: The mediating role of autonomous motivation. Journal of Health Psychology. IF: 1.7


Ikwuka, U., Galbraith, N., Manktelow, K., Chen-Wilson, C-H., Oyebode, F., Muomah, R. C., & Igboaka, A. (in press). Pathways to mental healthcare in south-eastern Nigeria: manning the crossroads. Transcultural Psychiatry. IF: 2.1


Ikwuka, U., Galbraith, N., Manktelow, K.I., Chen-Wilson, C-H., & Oyebode, F (in press). Attitude towards mental illness in south-eastern Nigeria: The contradictions of a communitarian culture. Journal of Community Psychology.. IF: 0.7


Orchard, L., Fullwood, C., Morris, N., & Galbraith, N. (2015). Investigating the Facebook experience through Q methodology: Collective investment and a ‘Borg’ mentality. New Media and Society. 17(9), 1547-1565. doi:10.1177/1461444814530099. IF: 2.0


Galbraith, N. (2015). The methamphetamine problem: Commentary on . . . Psychiatric morbidity and socio-occupational dysfunction in residents of a drug rehabilitation centre. BJPsych Bulletin, 39, 218-221. IF: /


Yama, H., Zhang, B., Galbraith, N., Wang, L., & Manktelow, K. I., (2015). Dialectical thinking: A cross-cultural study of Japanese, Chinese, and British students. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, (ahead of print), 1-9. IF: 1.4


Galbraith, N.D. (Ed.) (2014). Aberrant beliefs and reasoning. Hove, UK: Psychology Press.


Galbraith, N. D., Brown, K. E., & Clifton, E.  (2014). A survey of student nurses’ attitudes toward help-seeking for stress. Nursing Forum. doi: 10.1111/nuf.12066. IF: /


Galbraith, N. D., & Manktelow, K. I. (2014). A psychological model of delusional belief: Integrating reasoning biases with perceptual, self-concept and emotional factors. In N.D. Galbraith (Ed.), Aberrant Beliefs and Reasoning. Hove, UK: Psychology Press.


Galbraith, N.D., Manktelow, K.I., Chen-Wilson, C-H, Harris, R.A., & Nevill, A.M. (2014). Different combinations of perceptual, emotional and cognitive factors predict three different types of delusional ideation during adolescence. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 202, 668-676. IF: 1.8


Galbraith, N. D., Morgan, C. J., Jones, C. L., Ormerod, D. R., Galbraith, V. E., & Manktelow, K. I. (2014). The mediating effect of affect: Different pathways from self and other schemas to persecutory ideation. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 46, 497-505. IF: 1.1


Ikwuka, U., Galbraith, N., & Nyatanga, L. (2014). Causal attribution of mental illness in south-eastern Nigeria. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 60, 274-279. IF: 1.1


Orchard, L. J., Fullwood, C., Galbraith, N. D., & Morris, N. G. (2014).  Individual differences as predictors of social networking. The Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 19, 388-402. IF: 3.1


Hassan, T. M., Sikander, S., Mazhar, N., Munshi, T., Galbraith, N., & Groll, D. (2013). Canadian psychiatrists’ attitudes to becoming mentally ill. British Journal of Medical Practitioners,6(2), a619. IF: /


Venner, R., Galbraith, N., & Fullwood, C. (2012). Anonymity and level of support given on a health-related online support forum. Journal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation, 5(1), 9-13. IF: /


Morris, N., & Galbraith. N. D. (2011). Mild hypoglycaemia and educational performance. Education and Health, 29(2), 28-31. IF: /


Galbraith, N. D., & Brown, K. E. (2011). Assessing intervention effectiveness for reducing stress in student nurses: A quantitative systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(4), 709-721. IF: 1.7


Hawley, C. A., Adams, A., Galbraith, N. D., and de-Souza, V. A. (2010). Attitudes of health professionals to giving advice on fitness to drive (Report no. 91). Department for Transport: London.


Galbraith, N. D., Manktelow, K. I. & Morris, N. G. (2010). Subclinical delusional ideation and appreciation of sample size and heterogeneity in statistical judgement. British Journal of Psychology, 10 (4), 621-635. IF: 2.3


Hassan, T. M., Ahmed, O., White, A. C., & Galbraith, N. D. (2009) A postal survey of doctors' attitudes to becoming mentally ill.. Clinical Medicine, 9(4), 327-332.  IF: 1.7


Hawley, C. A., Galbraith, N. D., and de-Souza, V. A. (2008). Medical education on fitness to drive: A survey of all UK Medical Schools. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 84, 635-638. IF: 1.5


Galbraith, N. D., Manktelow, K. I. & Morris, N. G. (2008). Sub-clinical delusional ideation and a self-reference bias in everyday reasoning. British Journal of Psychology, 99, 29-44. IF: 2.3


Galbraith, V. E., & Galbraith, N. D. (2008). Should we be doing more to reduce stigma? Counselling Psychology Review, 23(4), 53-61. IF: /


Fullwood, C., Galbraith, N. D., & Morris, N. G. (2006). Impulsive nonconformity in female Chat Room users. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 9(5), 634-637. IF: 2.2


Galbraith, N. D., Hawley, C. A., and de-Souza, V. A. (2006). Research governance approval is putting people off research. British Medical Journal, 332, 238. IF: 17.5


White, A. C., Shiralkar, P., Hassan, T. M., Galbraith, N. D., & Callaghan, R. (2006). Barriers to mental health care for ill psychiatrists. Psychiatric Bulletin, 30, 382-384. IF: /


Dr Niall Galbraith (Above)

'The Thinking Mind: A Festschrift for Ken Manktelow' edited by Niall Galbraith, November, 2016 (Above)

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